Mobile Websites
March 2, 2012
Laptop and desktop computers are no longer the only portal to the Internet. 50% of the web is now viewed on mobile devices such as smart phones, iPads, and other portable tablets. And that percentage will only continue to grow and increase over time. Thus it makes a lot of sense to create a mobile version of your website that can be easily viewed and used.
This mobile site will fit into a cell phone screen without having to scroll horizontally. The mission is to redesign a simplified Home Page that looks graphically similar to your main website. As the viewer scrolls down, a navigation menu appears. A correctly formatted mobile website enables users to access the website information easily and helps with conversion as it is designed to enable users to take the next step and call into the practice or e-mail with an inquiry. The mobile version will not be an exact replica of the main website, as smart phone users will not be spending the same amount of time on the site as someone browsing it from their laptop or PC. Consequently, they won’t typically want to view as much information. Instead, the mobile site will contain key pages such as the welcome page, contact us, meet the doctor, and key service pages.
Click here from your computer to see what my new mobile site looks like. If you access my website from your mobile device, then you can get the total interactive experience.
A very important feature is to have your webmaster set up your full-size website so that it recognizes a mobile user and automatically redirects the search to the mobile website. It would also be important to replace any meaningful Flash animation on your website with HTML5 or jQuery so it is viewable to the mobile browser.
This is not a costly project. What are you waiting for?
Your Website – Obsolete or State of the Art
February 16, 2012
When there are over 51 million searches on the web per month for dental services, it is hard to believe that half of the dentists in the United States do not even have a website! And many of those existing web pages are legacy static template pages that hardly qualify as a real web presence. But I am not addressing these comments to that large portion of our profession that must be sleeping under a rock somewhere on another planet. Instead my message is to those of you with websites who have taken the steps to play in the Internet landscape.
In my last blog post, I spoke about the necessity and the benefits of a reception area makeover. That same strategy definitely applies to older websites that may have been current three to four years ago, but now appear dated, and most definitely need an upgrade.
I am so excited about my new website. It had been over three years since my old site was built. During that time, I kept adding new features that could be referenced from the Home Page of my site. These included an RSS feed for my two most recent blog posts, video testimonials, a horizontal drop down navigation bar, the Google review button, and another feed to sign up to get my blog. But as I added features, the site became more congested.
Now my site appears wider, brighter, the font is bigger, it is more easily readable, the content is much more navigable, and the features that I want to emphasize are more center stage. You can click this link to see the before and after of my website and I think the picture will be worth 1000 words.
What I did is called a reskin or a site redesign. It repositions certain elements on the page bringing the site more in line with the best design practices for optimal SEO including updated tagging and page descriptions. The good news is that this process is very easy for the doctor. You undoubtedly remember how many hours you spent on writing the content for your website. “ I never want to do this again” was a common complaint that I would hear from clients. In this redesign process, all of the work is done by the webmaster. It is very labor-intensive to essentially re-organize every page on the website. While the doctor certainly has the option to change or add new content if desired, the whole point is to take what has already been written and give it a new updated look.
I hope I have given you the inspiration and motivation to take your current website to the next level.
Is it Time for an Image Change?
February 1, 2012
I recently started working again with a former client. It had been about three years since we had finished up, and he had hired me again to help with some new challenges. As I entered the reception area for our first meeting, I was blown away by how beautiful the place looked.
Nothing major–nothing structural–but new carpet, new moldings, fresh paint on the walls, and some new wallpaper as an accent. He had also found some new wall art, and had updated the furniture. When I complemented him on the beautiful changes, he told me that the whole job was under ten thousand dollars. He had budgeted the cost by using his business line of credit, and had paid it back over four months. With bank borrowing rates so unbelievably low, it is practically an interest free loan.
Don’t get me wrong. It is not like the place was a dump before–just dated. Now it is flat-out gorgeous! No question, you walk through the door and you just know that you are in the right place. Existing patients are flattered that you have made the investment in their comfort, and new patients cannot help but be impressed.
So if it has been more than five or six years since you have redecorated, you should definitely consider a makeover. It is a big bang for the buck. And I strongly recommend using the services of an interior designer to help you. Here are some additional thoughts on this topic.
Something Special
January 19, 2012
One of the great pleasures in life is the Sunday edition of the New York Times. It is high up on my list of essentials, and while I must admit that I don’t always read it on the day purchased, it does stay on my night table until I eventually work my way through it. I draw your attention to a recent article featuring comments by Samuel J. Palmisano, the departing chief executive officer of IBM. It caught my eye because I am always interested in learning the strategies of wildly successful companies. In the interview, Mr. Palmisano mentions four guiding principles that serve as the core of his management style–two of which I feel are most relevant to dentistry.
First– “why would someone spend their money with you–so what is unique about you?” There certainly is no lack of dentists out there, so how do you separate yourself from the competition? It is all about building relationships that are based on trust. The patients must feel and perceive that the doctor truly cares about their well-being and is not motivated by dollars. This doctor–in the most low key way–must be able to explain the need for dental treatment–what are the benefits and what are the consequences of not moving forward. The doctor needs to be skilled at presenting choices because while people like to buy, they do not like to be sold. The patient needs to feel comfortable that the doctor possesses excellent clinical skills.
Second– “why would someone work for you?” I have always felt that it is the responsibility of the doctor to create an environment where staff can flourish. This wonderful workplace allows people the independence to make important decisions, yet ultimately holds them responsible for their actions. This workplace will reward and recognize excellence with bonuses and incentives. This workplace will promote the concept of teamwork. I revisited an article that I wrote in 1997 about staffing in the dental office, and I was pleased to realize that my thoughts haven’t changed all that much. The bottom line is that happy staff are great emissaries for your practice, and when patients interact with happy staff, they instantly realize they are in the right place.
As the new year begins, it would be time well spent to analyze the essence of what you and your practice are all about – what is unique – and what is remarkable – and how can you better convey that image to your patients.
Busy or Profitable? Your Choice.
January 5, 2012
My most recent blog post listed four ways to increase revenue in a dental practice. In retrospect, I would like to add a fifth. It is an important strategy that relates specifically to the topic of efficiency in the doctor’s appointment schedule for a busy dental practice.
The most important management system in a dental practice is scheduling, because the only thing we have to sell is our time. Yet over the years, I have observed that many practices are terribly inefficient in the way the doctor is scheduled to deliver treatment, wasting upwards of two hours every day. I didn’t say they weren’t busy–I said they weren’t efficient. There is a huge difference between being busy and being profitable.
I believe that when an effective scheduling system is introduced into a practice:
• the stress level of every one can be significantly reduced.
• the appointment backlog can be cut in half.
• the need for an associate is often eliminated.
• production is increased dramatically without raising fees or altering the mix of the practice.
.• every hour in the practice becomes a productive hour no matter what procedures are being performed.
In the two and a half years since I began writing blog posts, I do not believe that I have ever touted my own services. But this whole topic of how to increase revenue got me thinking. Teaching other busy dentists productive scheduling techniques was how I began my consulting career 22 years ago. So if you are feeling maxed out – perhaps scheduled out two to three weeks or more- feeling overworked and can’t seem to find the way to get to the next level of profitability other than working more hours – you might want to consider speaking with me. But first read this to see if you qualify.
As Yogi Berra said, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future”. But after seeing the significantly increased annual revenues in practices that have learned and implemented the Jodena advanced scheduling rules, this might be worth your consideration.
The Other Side of the Coin
December 19, 2011
“If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you will continue to get what you’ve always got.” That is one of my favorite motivational messages to my clients. Yet it could lead to someone succumbing to the temptation of the scams promising easy money that I referenced in my previous post. The point that I was trying to make in that post is that if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
If you own a store, there are only four ways to increase revenue: raise the prices of the merchandise or products that you sell, increase the frequency of shoppers visiting your store to buy your products, open longer hours, and add different or additional products to the shelves. Let’s get back to basics and apply these simple principles to your store–your dental practice–and see how that will increase your revenue.
Raise prices–you need to raise your fees every year in order to cover budgeted anticipated expenses. If revenue stays flat, but expenses rise – and there always seems to be upward pressure on our costs – your current level of profitability will suffer. Read this article to understand the mechanics.
Increase frequency of patient visits–do everything that you can to promote the concept of the value of continuing care. Incentivize with warranties on previous dental treatment. During bad economic times, it is more important than ever to stress the value to your patients of frequent maintenance visits to avoid expensive major dental treatments. Every six months is better than every twelve – and every four is even better.
User friendly office hours – I am a big proponent of work hard/play hard – so I am not suggesting that you work more hours. But perhaps mixing it up by offering some real early morning starts and evening appointments would make it easier for patients to come to your practice.
Add new products–if you are a general dentist, the world is your oyster. If you are not busy enough, you should consider learning to do additional procedures that you currently refer to specialists. If you choose not to make that commitment, another option and a very profitable one, is to bring itinerant specialists into your office. You receive half of the revenue on the procedures they perform, and an often overlooked benefit is that your patients love the convenience and comfort of being seen in a familiar environment. Implants–endodontics –adult orthodontics–these are all great profit centers and are easy to incorporate into your general practice.
It is almost the New Year. Resolution time. Start planning and take action to raise revenue.
Is There A Target on Your Back?
December 5, 2011
Over the past year or so, I have been amazed at the overwhelming increase in the amount of “opportunities” being promoted to dentists. It seems like every day or two there is another new offer on e-mail promising more new patients lining up to pay big bucks for your services.
One company claims that you have been “chosen” to participate in an exclusive club of top cosmetic dentists in your area. Opting in gets you a promotional video for your website and some combination of pay per click advertising. The cost is an up front fee of $5000 plus a twelve month commitment of $650/ month. On investigation, I actually discovered that EVERY dentist in your area has been “chosen”–so it has nothing to do with exclusivity, but rather who is the biggest sucker to jump on board. How about signing up for a twelve month program at $695/ month where you will be taught “ethical sales techniques” that will enable you to give lectures to the general public in your community on implants and veneers. Maybe they will even dress you up in suspenders and a bow-tie and help you to do standup comedy!
These offers are introduced by inflammatory language. Here are word for word examples: “Most practices are severely down in production and profits and there is no sign that the trend will turn around soon or ever”…or “If you have experienced a dramatic negative change in your practice over the last few years, you are not alone!” In my opinion, there are a number of reasons for this increase in outrageous promotions.
1. Dentists in general are not the most savvy business people. They received little or no business training in dental school, and thus they are easy marks for aggressive sales people.
2. Dentists in general have little sales resistance. They are always buying “the latest toys” for the practice.
3. Dentists in general have the market covered on paranoia–two patients leave the practice unexpectedly and the sky is now falling!
4. The economy is bad with unemployment nationally at 9%.
5. The stock market has been essentially flat for 12 years with no growth. So dentists are really concerned with what is happening to the value of their 401(k).
Mix this all together and it is like the perfect storm for scam artists to prey on the uninformed or misinformed. My message is simply to ignore the hype and be patient. There simply is no free lunch. There is no magic bullet. It may be that flat is the new up. It may be that 80 is the new 65. I don’t have a crystal ball that will provide the answers to the future, but there is no question that we have to continue to work harder, smarter, and undoubtedly longer. So please stay true to your clinical and moral principles, and in the long run you will be successful.
Have I Got A Deal For You!
November 21, 2011
My wife was shopping in Macy’s the other day and was intrigued when she overheard a senior management person asking two employees what their sales goals in dollar totals were for that day.
Setting realistic hourly and daily production goals is something that I advise my clients to do at the morning huddle. That just makes good economic sense, because there are only a limited number of hours in a day when you have the confluence of staff, high-speed suction, compressed air and patients .
But in my opinion, it is a mistake to think of these goals in terms of individual staff members reaching some kind of daily “sales” quota. That is too transparent and could easily be perceived by the patient as “selling”. Remember that people like to buy, but they don’t necessarily like to be sold. A better approach — a more laid-back approach — is to focus on having a plan that reinforces your agreed-upon criteria or standards of clinical excellence and great customer service. Then encourage each staff member to be an unabashed spokesperson for those standards.
Thus everyone should look for opportunities to share information with patients about new and exciting clinical advances in your practice like invisible braces, non –surgical periodontal treatments, in-office whitening, and one visit crowns. Talk up your e-mail blast capabilities, blog posts, your website, and Facebook participation that enhances the way your practice connects with your patient base.
Be totally interested in your patients. Inquire about their family members and what is going on in their lives. The goal, whenever you engage them in conversation, is to make that patient feel that when they are in your office, they are the most important person in the universe. Making your patients feel special is a talent and will differentiate you from your competition.
Sales training 101 says to concentrate on building a solid relationship with your prospect. Once they like you and trust you, the sale is easy. An understated but consistent approach to selling dentistry works way better than high intensity used-car salesmanship. So while that Macy’s employee may only see dollar signs when asked about his or her goal, let’s make sure that our staff sees beyond the dollar signs to excellent customer service which when done correctly translates into a more profitable office.
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Dental Practice Transitions – Part Seven
November 8, 2011
My last few blog posts have discussed the details of practice acquisitions where the retiring doctor (seller) is out of the practice from day one of the sale. Here is another twist on a practice sale where the selling doctor – perhaps two to three years away from retirement – stays on as an associate but merges his practice into the buyers location.
The list of benefits to the seller’s patient base might include the following: that with this move there will be better coverage; it is a better location with updated technology; perhaps better parking; I (the selling doctor) was having trouble negotiating the terms of a new lease arrangement and this is a great opportunity, etc. The acquired doctor “appears” to just move his location, but in reality he has sold the practice. This is what I call a “below the radar” transition because to the community at large and to the patients, nothing other than the location has changed.
The selling doctor’s name is on the door and the letterhead. He continues to see and treat all of his own patients, including hygiene checks. Initially – space permitting – he works the same schedule with the same hours. All of his staff — or most of them — come over in the transition. But the seller no longer shares in the hygiene revenue of his patients, and is paid a percentage of his own production or collections. That revenue is how the buyer leverages the purchase so that this sale can happen with bank financing and the buyer never takes any money out of his own pocket.
The advantages of this transition from the perspective of the seller is that the seller receives maximum value in a lump sum payment for his practice, yet still has the opportunity to continue to work and earn money, continue to make contributions if he wishes to a pension plan, and do all of this with no administrative responsibilities. The advantage to the buyer is that when the selling doctor eventually retires, all of his patients are used to coming to the new location and will of course remain.
This is a wonderful win/win situation that I have had the opportunity to facilitate many times. I feel it is worth your consideration.
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Dental Practice Transitions – Part Six
October 26, 2011
In my last post on practice transitions, I spoke about the strategy of using an associate to help in the absorption of the patient base from a retiring doctor’s practice. The benefit of that approach is that it allows these patients to be seen at the office location with which they are familiar, and these patients are then gradually relocated to your office. But you can also be successful using your own office for an immediate absorption of patients from the practice of a retiring doctor provided certain criteria are met.
Geography. It is of paramount importance that your existing office be located fairly close to the location of the practice that you are acquiring so that patients will not have an objection to travel and an excuse to go elsewhere.
Age. This type of acquisition works really well when the selling doctor is quite a bit older than the buyer. I have seen many doctors practice into their late 70s. They love what they do, they have an extremely loyal patient base, and most of them never gave much thought to an exit strategy. They have slowed down and are now perhaps practicing two to three days per week. There is a ton of dentistry to be done for these patients — but as I have said before – only at the appropriate time when you have earned their trust. So these are not big practices by any means. The equipment is usually very outdated. Often there is no management software. Often no hygienist. These doctors don’t necessarily need to make a big score with selling the practice. Rather, they are truly concerned with finding someone to take over the care of their patients.
Low cost. There really is zero value for the dental equipment or the location of the retiring doctor. Many times these doctors are actually practicing in a home office. These patients need to be seen at your office from day one. So the value is only in the Goodwill. I usually recommend a price of $200-$300 per patient chart for patients seen within the last twenty-four months.
Introductory letter. The selling doctor is able to transfer and deliver these patients by a great letter of recommendation. I have examples — available on request — that have proven effective.
Ace in the hole. I absolutely insist in these kinds of situations that the front desk person from this retiring doctor’s practice stays on in your employ for a three to six month period. This person may in fact have considered retiring along with her doctor, but I advise making it a condition of the sale that she is able to come over and work in your office. Pay her extremely well. She can work two to three hours per day appointing the patients. You must at all costs win her over because these patients will do whatever she recommends. I can’t emphasize this point enough.
Start expanding your horizons – this type of situation may very well exist in your own backyard.