33 Widgeon Road, Falmouth, MA 02540
Phone: (401) 524-7252 Fax: (401) 273-0896

Your Chance to Shine

June 23, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mayer A. Levitt, DMD @ 7:53 am

I have been writing a series of posts on the positive measurable value of dentists publishing a blog two to three times a month. And in my last post,  I talked about building your audience by getting your patients to sign up to your Feedburner feed so that they can receive your information by email.

Another very relevant way to build your audience is by developing a social media presence on Facebook. Creating a professional Facebook Page for your dental practice is easy to do. You then can have your webmaster set up what is called the network blog application so that whenever you publish a blog, it is automatically sent to the Facebook page of every person who follows your practice (Likes).

After expending the energy to get all these people reading your thoughts, you now have taken on the responsibility of writing good material. It can’t be pablum. You want to develop a style that is easy and fun to read. I see too many examples of topics being treated as if they were articles for the JADA. I also hate material written in the third person. “Dr. Smith will do this or that.” I suggest that the material be written in the first person – right from you – right from the heart. It is helpful to be low key and conversational and even humorous. And you certainly don’t want to give the impression that you are selling something.

Very important – spend some time creating a catchy title. That is how you grab someone’s attention and draw them in to read your message.

Every day I read three blogs that have been influential in the development of my own writing style. Seth Godin – who is not a dentist-more often than not has something applicable to say about business and marketing strategy. Dr. Lorne Lavine writes an excellent blog about technology. And my good friends Rich and Dave Madow have an insightful and edgy style as they discuss information to help dentists grow their practices and perhaps more importantly, get more enjoyment out of their lives and work.

I also read two sources that come out monthly. Max Gotcher of Summit Practice Solutions publishes a monthly e-newsletter that is very thoughtful and filled with informative material on a host of practice management issues. Bill Rossi, the founder of Advanced Practice Management has a great sense of humor and supports his ideas on practice management with sound statistical analysis.

I would strongly encourage all of you to follow these experts – you will not be disappointed.

Singing in the Shower

June 10, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mayer A. Levitt, DMD @ 7:16 pm

For my last few posts, I have been talking about the numerous benefits of blogging. I mentioned specifically the help you get with search engine optimization because you are adding new content to your website. And when you discuss and comment numerous times about a particular procedure, Google references this and drives potential buyers for those services to your site.

But probably the most important reason to blog is to easily and effortlessly and inexpensively disseminate important and useful information to your patient base. You can send your thoughts on clinical topics, new services that you may be offering, health care updates – the list is pretty long. In the old days, we used to do this by snail mail, perhaps by mailing a quarterly newsletter. Very costly and very time consuming.

My favorite way today is to use a Google company called Feedburner to send out your blogs – at no cost – to every patient’s email address. Since you are receiving this, you can see how the presentation is professional and distinctive – not like a normal email.  Of course, if you don’t have email addresses, you can’t send out your message. You could be writing the most eloquent and interesting blog posts, but if nobody is receiving them, it is like singing in the shower. Nobody is listening!

On your website, have your webmaster install the orange reader icon that says “subscribe to our blog by email”. When you click the icon, it opens to a page where you enter the email address and follow the simple security directions. Someone at the front desk needs to sign up every patient at the beginning or at the end of an office visit.  It takes literally thirty seconds, and very quickly you will have built your audience. One very important point – you need to tell that patient to check their email today and be sure to verify the request they will receive from Feedburner asking them if they want to receive the emails from your office. This is an anti-spam thing to protect us from getting junk email that we don’t want. Once a week you should access the Feedburner account in order to manage your subscriber list and be certain that the patients are verifying.

The ultimate challenge for writing the blogs is to be informative and useful and relevant – more on that next time.

Blogs and Keywords – A Great Combination

May 27, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mayer A. Levitt, DMD @ 8:56 pm

In my last blog post, I talked about the use of a Blog to improve website position. That is because the blog format is an easy way to add new content to your website, and Google rewards sites that add new information. But an even bigger advantage for you is that with the blog, you can express the exact message that will drive people you WANT to your site.

For example, let’s say you love Invisalign and want to do more cases. You probably have selected some keywords that include Invisalign with your geographic area so that when prospective patients search for that particular service, they find your website. But if you write a blog two or three times a month on invisible braces including the benefits,  the applications, the success stories you have created, etc. – in the process of writing you will be using hundreds of keyword phrases that relate to Invisalign, and Google is able to reference all of them. This is an amazingly powerful way to push your website to the top for this particular service.

One last suggestion – it can be very effective to write a series of posts about a particular topic. Don’t try to cover the entire gamut in one 300 word piece. When the mood hits, sit down for an hour and write a long dissertation on your topic. Include lots of thoughts – and it doesn’t have to be totally perfect just yet. From this large body of information, you should be able to chisel out a specific pearl or two that will form the basis for an effective post.

If you and your staff are truly going to make the commitment to blog consistently, then it is comforting to always have two or three posts “in the can”. This way you avoid the stress of the inevitable writers brain cramp that plagues us all when we are panicked about a deadline and a topic for the next post.

New Content – Add it With a Blog

May 16, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mayer A. Levitt, DMD @ 5:40 pm

Google drives search engine marketing,  and it rewards new content with higher placement and more recognition for your website. Pardon me if I don’t even mention Bing and Yahoo because combined they only have ten percent of the search engine market.

In my opinion, the easiest way to add new content to your website is through the use of a Blog Page. Your webmaster can set up the blog so that graphically it looks exactly like any other page on your website. You write your material and publish it from a dashboard. Very easy to do. Each new post appears on the top of the Blog Page. The older blog posts move down and continue to be archived and retrievable. By blogging two or three times a month with relevant, informative, and interesting material, you are adding new content to your website two to three times a month–and that is great for SEO. Google says wow–this site is relevant!

But here’s a great tip I learned a few years ago that has skyrocketed my website so that I actually dominate the search engine results page for dental consulting and dental practice management in my geographic area.  I added what is called an RSS  feed to my site. If you look at my website, the RSS feed says “latest blog posts” and it is right up there to the left of my picture. It lists my two most recent posts. When I publish a new post, the RSS feed automatically changes, and the new post title replaces what was formerly first. And that former first post title goes to the second position. The post that was in second position goes into archives.

Now here is the magic.  Since the RSS feed  is on the top of EVERY page of my website, when I publish and the feed changes, EVERY page on my website changes–not just the Blog Page. Big difference! Click on any number of pages within my site and you will see how the feed remains on every page.

This is truly a powerful tool to use. Try it–and watch what happens.

Google Changes The Rules – Again!

May 1, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mayer A. Levitt, DMD @ 9:59 pm

About six months ago, Google changed the format of their search engine results page (SERP). The page previously had been dominated by a listing of websites arranged and ranked organically by some algorithm that recognized relevance relating to original content, new content, and new information. The challenge has been to use multiple techniques and strategies called search engine optimization  (SEO) to try to move your site to the top of the page.

Currently when you type a request into the Google search bar, the page looks totally different. The top seven spots (A through G) are from the Local Google Business Map. The Map is now the dominant feature. The SERP  results are now placed BELOW  the map results. So unless you are in the top three or four of the SERP, you all of a sudden find yourself demoted to the second page. And we all know that unless you are on the first page, you might as well forget about being found.

The good news is that it is much easier to get to the top of the Local Google Business Map than it is to reach the top of the SERP. Placement on the map seems to be most influenced by favorable patient reviews. I am in love with a company called Demand Force that makes the process of obtaining patient reviews an extremely easy one. And they magically get a lot of these reviews read by Google fairly quickly, thereby moving your practice to the top of the map.

The density and competitive environment of your particular marketplace will of course be an influencing factor as to how quickly you progress. And it is still absolutely essential to be optimizing your site with new content and not be solely dependent upon patient reviews. But I can report that in the last 16 months I have referred over 40 clients to Demand Force- in big towns and small towns–and every single practice–usually within 4 to 6 months–is middle to top of the business page.

So go check out this amazing company.

Website Design-Details on Video Testimonials

April 18, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mayer A. Levitt, DMD @ 7:59 pm

There is nothing in my opinion more compelling than a real person discussing on camera how satisfied they are with the experience of being a patient in your practice. How you overcame and relieved their fears or anxieties- or the great customer service they received – or the beautiful smile you created – these are issues that are of paramount importance to a prospective patient. Why video?

Video testimonials are more believable than audio or written comments. You can easily make up words that say you are the greatest thing since sliced bread, but that is nowhere near as effective as a patient actually talking into a camera. And Google loves video! So from an SEO perspective, adding video content improves the ranking and positioning of your website.

You can really distinguish your site by the way your videos are displayed. Typically when you see a video on YouTube or on CNN or a dental website, you play the video by clicking on an arrow that is in the middle of someone’s face. Or if the arrow is below the picture, the starting frame often shows someone with their mouth open or their eyes closed. Not attractive!!

If you go to my website, notice that each of the seven videos starts with what is called a “thumbnail” photo where the person looks like they were smiling to have their picture taken. The arrow to open the video is below the photo – and very important – when you click the arrow, the video opens in its own page, and NOT on the page with the other videos. The videographer uses a technique called “blink” – a split second pause between thoughts so the video seems shorter. By the way, 90 to 120 seconds per video is the maximum I would suggest. And be sure to add a tag line for each testimonial.

Have the videos professionally produced. It is not that big of a cost consideration. While I love the concept and spontaneity of the Flip video camera – especially for Facebook  posts – I don’t think the result can compare with the high class image I want to convey.


April 6, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mayer A. Levitt, DMD @ 12:12 am

In order to illustrate my comments on design features of a website, I will use dentaldesignsofnewengland.com. This site is hosted, maintained, and optimized by my good friends at TNT. Let’s get down to business discussing some must have basics.

1. A keyword rich interactive mission statement or welcome statement that appears on the Home Page. Try to get those keywords into the first paragraph and more specifically into the first few sentences of the first paragraph.

2.  Drop down (cascading) horizontal navigation buttons that allow for easy and quick navigation. Again my definition of quick navigation is that one click gets you to a specific page with photos and a description of the service in question. Choose your buttons carefully. You can comfortably use somewhere between eight to ten buttons. Search words for highly desirable and popular procedures like Implants or Invisalign or Veneers can be incorporated as buttons.

3. Patient video testimonials. For the purposes of this summary, let me just make the point that in my opinion, nothing on your website is more compelling than a patient video testimonial. I intend to write an entire blog on this topic with lots more details.

4. The concept of one page per procedure with photos and description that is user-friendly and not overly technical. Write your own content. Make it personal and tell stories with your photos. I like how Dr. Mike Barr uses great photos that always “tell a story”.

5. A format (module) that is wide enough to adequately show photos in script. If you try to cram too many things on a page, there is not enough room to have good illustrations.

6. The orange reader Icon that will allow someone to sign up to get your blog posts automatically sent to their e-mail address.

7.  A “Find Us on Facebook” icon  that will click through to your Professional Fan (Like) Page.

8. A Demand Force icon that will allow the visitor to navigate to continuously updated patient reviews. If you are not using Demand Force, you are missing out big time.

9. An RSS  feed for your two most recent blog posts.  It is important to note that the RSS  feed appears on every page of the website. I promise more information and details soon on this amazing SEO tool.

10. A BLOG button that navigates to your WordPress blog. The use of blogs is critically important for a number of reasons that I will describe in future posts about Google search results and optimization (SEO).

Please feel free to explore Dr. Jeannie Shetty’s  site so that you can understand and visualize how each of these ten suggestions are displayed. Jeannie has put in a lot of effort on her site–and it shows!  Next time – what you need to know about video testimonials.

Website design – You Have to get This Right!

March 25, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mayer A. Levitt, DMD @ 1:02 am

I created my original website for Jodena Consulting about ten years ago. Back then, dentists were very new in this Internet game. Very few had websites, and websites often were nothing more than a glorified static business card – a concession to the necessity of having an online presence. How things have changed! Fast forward to 2011.

The majority of dentists – although not an overwhelming majority by any means – have a website. Actually I am still amazed at the relatively large number of dentists who still do not have one. The simple fact is that patients don’t shop through the Yellow Pages anymore. They Google everything and anything they want to find.  So more than ever you as a dentist need to have a presence on the Web. But now the standards are higher and the requirements to truly stand out and differentiate yourself and your dental practice are much more demanding.

You want your website to be compelling, professional, and above all easy to navigate so that your prospective patients can easily and quickly find the information that they are searching for.  My definition of easy to navigate means one click gets you to a specific page with photos and a description of the service in question. Websites from my perspective seem to fall into three categories. I see too many sites that are so cluttered with information and promotions that you don’t know where to look first. I also see a lot of “over-the-top” and highly produced glitzy sites costing ten to fifteen thousand dollars that may look slick, but again are difficult to navigate. Perhaps the largest category falls into what I call “Mom and Pop” type websites. These have been designed perhaps by a favorite nephew or a first-year art student. Font, photos, layout all look amateurish – almost a copy and paste look. And these wannabe designers have no clue about how to optimize a dental website.

Take a look at what Dr. Gary Sanchez says in this quick video. I think he has a lot of good things to say and a lot of relevant information.

Creating a website is a marathon and not a sprint. It needs constant on-going attention to add fresh content. But the process doesn’t have to take over your life. Slow and steady wins most races. Just keep the momentum going.

Stay tuned for my next post where I will be discussing some specific design features to create a great website.

Boosting Case Acceptance

March 12, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mayer A. Levitt, DMD @ 11:33 pm

Needless to say, it has been tough sledding for any business owner battling the effects of the “great recession”. But lately, everything I read is predicting a moderate rebound in the economy with job creation and less  unemployment. Up until now, people have been understandably cautious with their discretionary spending, so there is a lot of pent-up demand for nonessential services. Thus the environment for promoting comprehensive and cosmetic dentistry is probably the best that it has been in almost three years. How can you take advantage?

1. You need to promote “wants” based dentistry instead of “needs” based dentistry. Patients will pay out-of-pocket for what they want, yet will continue to depend on insurance to pay for what they need. Your mission is to get patients excited and emotional about what dentistry can do for them. Please take the time to schedule treatment consultations where you offer choices. Choices empower patients. Remember that people like to buy – but they don’t like to be sold. I am very excited about how dramatic case presentation can be by using an I-Pad.

2. You need to realize that your fees are not preventing people from accepting comprehensive dentistry but rather a lack of flexibility in payment options that you currently offer. If you can give someone a way to budget their payments for the dentistry, and they really want the dentistry, they will accept the treatment.  Re-examine how well your financial coordinator is presenting Care Credit or other outsourced arrangements. Scripting and verbal skills are so important. Outsourcing should be a first choice rather than a last resort. You can’t afford to be the bank. By outsourcing financial arrangements and offering extended payment plans, you give your patients the opportunity to pay for the dentistry on a monthly basis, yet you get paid right away.

3. You need to feel comfortable presenting comprehensive cases as well as cases that are essentially cosmetic. Don’t  settle for  the “one or two insurance crowns a year” mentality. Schedule the time for a decent, well thought out, case presentation where value and health and function and aesthetics can be promoted. Start thinking in terms of quadrants and arches rather than single tooth treatment. Stop presenting treatment  “on the fly” in a three or four minute “quickie” at the hygiene exam.

4. Avail yourself of the latest continuing education courses, specifically those that relate to comprehensive dentistry. The world of clinical dentistry is changing so rapidly that it is very easy to be left behind.

It is time to start playing offense – you can do it if you try.

Time Management-Ask a Busy Person

February 27, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mayer A. Levitt, DMD @ 2:33 am

I am in awe of busy people who somehow are able to take on anything that is asked of them, yet still continue to do their jobs well. They are rare! From my observations over many years of coaching, here are suggestions for dentists trying to be more effective in the use of their time. It is all about creating efficiencies and systems that work reliably. There are only so many hours in the day when you can avail yourself of staff, high-speed suction, and compressed air – and you need to make the most of those hours.

1. Surround yourself with excellence. You can’t have a great practice without a great staff. Build a team that you can depend on.

2. Delegate to the extreme. Assign specific tasks and hold people responsible for their actions and the results. Allow people to fail and then learn from their mistakes. You can’t do it all yourself – it is way too complex and way too much work.

3. Incentivize your staff. The greatest management principle in the world states that if you want to receive more of a particular behavior, reward that behavior. There is a need for reward, motivation, and challenge in order for a person’s skills to be maximized in the workplace.

4. Compliment and coach every day. Your staff needs to know that you appreciate them. Don’t assume they know. Assumption is the lowest form of human behavior.

5. Allow staff to share in the management decisions in the office. Many times the best source of new ideas comes from our staffs.

6. Work hard every day you are in the office. But don’t forget to play hard when you are out of the office.

7. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn to go with the flow, and find ways to have fun and enjoy yourself with staff and patients.

8. Set realistic daily, weekly, and monthly goals for production and collection. Write them down where you can see them every day. Share them with your staff – they are not mind readers. Learn the proper scheduling techniques to reach those goals.

9. Above all be timely.  Stay on time. Patients will respect your time in direct proportion to the way you respect theirs. And don’t forget to respect staff because working through lunch and finishing late every day gets depressing.

10. Eliminate personal phone calls during business hours for both the doctor and staff. Especially the doctor.

11. Don’t do definitive treatment for emergency patients while keeping your scheduled patients waiting.

12. The most ideally scheduled day can turn into a disaster if the doctor doesn’t comply. Don’t get hung up in hygiene rooms doing extensive treatment planning. Schedule a separate consultation visit. If a clinical procedure isn’t going well, for whatever the reason, know when it is time to regroup and reschedule. It is called knowing when to punt!

Here is your prescription for success. Now go fill it.

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