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Is it Time for an Image Change?

February 1, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mayer A. Levitt, DMD @ 3:56 am

I recently started working again with a former client. It had been about three years since we had finished up, and he had hired me again to help with some new challenges. As I entered the reception area for our first meeting, I was blown away by how beautiful the place looked.

Nothing major–nothing structural–but new carpet, new moldings, fresh paint on the walls, and some new wallpaper as an accent. He had also found some new wall art, and had updated the furniture. When I complemented him on the beautiful changes, he told me that the whole job was under ten thousand dollars. He had budgeted the cost by using his business line of credit, and had paid it back over four months. With bank borrowing rates so unbelievably low, it is practically an interest free loan.

Don’t get me wrong. It is not like the place was a dump before–just dated. Now it is flat-out gorgeous! No question, you walk through the door and you just know that you are in the right place. Existing patients are flattered that you have made the investment in their comfort, and new patients cannot  help but be impressed.

So if it has been more than five or six years since you have redecorated, you should definitely consider a makeover. It is a big bang for the buck. And I strongly recommend  using the services of an interior designer to help you.  Here are some additional thoughts on this topic.

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