New Content – Add it With a Blog
May 16, 2011
Google drives search engine marketing, and it rewards new content with higher placement and more recognition for your website. Pardon me if I don’t even mention Bing and Yahoo because combined they only have ten percent of the search engine market.
In my opinion, the easiest way to add new content to your website is through the use of a Blog Page. Your webmaster can set up the blog so that graphically it looks exactly like any other page on your website. You write your material and publish it from a dashboard. Very easy to do. Each new post appears on the top of the Blog Page. The older blog posts move down and continue to be archived and retrievable. By blogging two or three times a month with relevant, informative, and interesting material, you are adding new content to your website two to three times a month–and that is great for SEO. Google says wow–this site is relevant!
But here’s a great tip I learned a few years ago that has skyrocketed my website so that I actually dominate the search engine results page for dental consulting and dental practice management in my geographic area. I added what is called an RSS feed to my site. If you look at my website, the RSS feed says “latest blog posts” and it is right up there to the left of my picture. It lists my two most recent posts. When I publish a new post, the RSS feed automatically changes, and the new post title replaces what was formerly first. And that former first post title goes to the second position. The post that was in second position goes into archives.
Now here is the magic. Since the RSS feed is on the top of EVERY page of my website, when I publish and the feed changes, EVERY page on my website changes–not just the Blog Page. Big difference! Click on any number of pages within my site and you will see how the feed remains on every page.
This is truly a powerful tool to use. Try it–and watch what happens.
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