Profitable Scheduling
Are you frustrated by the inability to generate more revenue without working more hours or charging more for procedures?
- Have you reached a plateau? Everyone does at some point.
- Are you scheduled out more than two full weeks?
- Have you felt that adding an associate is the only way to handle your patient volume?
There are only so many hours in the week when you have patients, staff, high speed suction and compressed air! So you need to maximize your efficiency for every one of those hours.
- Learn how to make more money without working more hours.
- Significantly increase your productivity and profitability.
- I can teach you how to decrease stress in your practice through the delegation of duties and a system of scheduling rules that create perfectly balanced, profitable days.
- You will reduce your patient backlog and thus become more customer friendly and accessible.
- And the best part is that you regain control of your life!